Repair or Replace?
Making the decision to either repair your old heating and cooling system or replace it with a new indoor weather system is not easy.
It's a decision homeowners just like you make everyday. At Carrier, we know you want to make a thoughtful, well-informed choice. That's why we've designed a checklist to help guide you through the decision-making process.
Understanding that each situation is different, Carrier encourages homeowners to look at several criteria before deciding whether to repair or replace current HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) components.
There are five main questions that need to be considered when your HVAC system fails or you decide to replace a component of the system:

How Old is Your System? If your system is more than 10 years old, it may be wiser to invest in new, higher efficiency equipment, which could cut your energy costs by up to 40%.

What is the Efficiency Level of Your Current Indoor Weather System? Unfortunely, replacing parts of your old system will not improve the efficiency. If the energy savings of using a higher efficiency system will cover all or part of the cost of investing in new equipment, you should seriously consider replacement of the old system.

What is the Overall Condition of Your System? If your system is in solid condition, it could be wiser to simply repair it. But if your system breaks down often, you should consider replacing it.

How Often is Your System Operating? If your system has been used extensively, it may be time to replace it.

Are You Planning to Move Soon? If you are moving in the next year or two and believe investing in a new indoor system will improve the value of your home, you should consider making the investment. If you plan to live in your current residence for many more years, it may also be wise to go ahead and invest in your future comfort.
Making Well-Informed Decisions About How to Invest in Indoor Weather Systems is Extremely Important.
That's why you need to weigh all of the options before making a final decision about repairing or replacing your existing HVAC components. This checklist should help guide you through some of the most important considerations. Your indoor weather expert - Crosby & Co. - can look at your system and help you weigh the options to ensure that you make the indoor weather choice that's right for your family.
Click here to email us your questions about repairing or replacing your system. We will be glad to help you choose which options is the right one for you.
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